6/2012 - 16/01/2025 11:41








За да сте добре информирани…

(Дата: 2012-06-20) || (Брой: 6/2012) || Автор: Дарби



3 336 са слабите оценки на изпита по БЕЛ сред зрелостниците. Намалява и броят на отличните оценки по предмета, като през настоящата година техният брой е 181. Това стана ясно по време на представянето на резултатите от държавните зрелостни изпити.



Фонд "Научни изследвания" при Министерство на образованието, младежта и науката обявява конкурс "Финансиране на фундаментални научни и научноприложни изследвания в приоритетните области" - 2012. Целта на конкурса е: - да насърчи провеждане на качествени и конкурентоспособни научни  и научно–приложни изследвания в следните приоритетни области: Енергия, енергийна ефективност и транспорт.



Катедра "Европеистика" в Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски" обяви прием за нова магистърска програма "Е-Европа". Срокът на обучение е три семестъра




Bachelor scholarships

Cardiff University International Scholarships 2012/2013, UK

Deadline: 15th July, 2012
Open to: international applicants
Scholarship: scholarships which cover the tuition fees and living expenses

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/bachelor/#ixzz1yFADwFZQ


Hermann Strenger Scholarships,Germany

Deadline: July 15, 2012
Open to: students studying to be educators in the field of science, from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad and foreign applicants who want to study in Germany.
Scholarship: Support is generally intended to cover the cost of living, travel costs and incurred project costs

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/bachelor/#ixzz1yFADwFZQ


Kurt Hansen Scholarships, Germany

Deadline: July 15, 2012
Open to: students studying to be educators in the field of science, from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad and foreign applicants who want to study in Germany.
Scholarship: it covers the cost of living, travel costs and incurred project costs.

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/bachelor/#ixzz1yFADwFZQ


Carl Duisberg Scholarships, Germany

Deadline: 15 July 2012
Open to: Projects abroad by applicants from German-speaking countries and projects in Germany by foreign applicants, such as internships, training courses, clinical work experience periods, semesters abroad, research projects, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral thesis projects
Scholarship: Support is generally intended to cover the cost of living, travel costs and incurred project costs

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/bachelor/#ixzz1yFADwFZQ


Master scholarships

Master Scholarship in Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Bath

Deadline: 29 June, 2012
Open to: Applicants from any country
Scholarship: ranging from £2,000 to £5,300

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


Radboud Scholarship Programme in English 2013/2014, Netherlands

Deadline: 1 March, 2013
Open to: talented prospective non-EEA students
Scholarship: not specified

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


Technology Governance/MA/PhD Graduate Degree in Innovation Policy and Development Economics in Estonia,Talinn

Deadline: ongoing
Open to: international applicants
Scholarship: scholarships available to cover tuition&travel costs

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


Cardiff University International Scholarships 2012/2013, UK

Deadline: 15th July, 2012
Open to: international applicants
Scholarship: scholarships which cover the tuition fees and living expenses

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


International Huxley Scholarships at the University of Brighton, UK

Deadline:31 August, 2012
Open to: international students studying MSc and MRes programmes within the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
Scholarship:a series of £2,000 scholarships

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


Master’s Degree Programme in Business Administration University of Bologna, Italy

Deadline: July 2nd, 2012
Open to: international applicants
Scholarship: full and partials scholarships ranging from 10,000 euro to 27,000 euro

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV

Hermann Strenger Scholarships,Germany

Deadline: July 15, 2012
Open to: students studying to be educators in the field of science, from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad and foreign applicants who want to study in Germany.
Scholarship: Support is generally intended to cover the cost of living, travel costs and incurred project costs

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


Kurt Hansen Scholarships, Germany

Deadline: July 15, 2012
Open to: students studying to be educators in the field of science, from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad and foreign applicants who want to study in Germany.
Scholarship: it covers the cost of living, travel costs and incurred project costs.

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


Carl Duisberg Scholarships, Germany

Deadline: 15 July 2012
Open to: Projects abroad by applicants from German-speaking countries and projects in Germany by foreign applicants, such as internships, training courses, clinical work experience periods, semesters abroad, research projects, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral thesis projects
Scholarship: Support is generally intended to cover the cost of living, travel costs and incurred project costs Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


European Regional Master’s Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe (ERMA)

Deadline: August 31, 2012
Open to: candidates who hold a high standard university degree in disciplines relevant to human rights, in particular law, social and political sciences from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, EU countries, Caucasus and Russia
Scholarship: Maintenance grants in the amount 460€ per month (taxable) for the first and second term while the third term is covered by the Programme

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/#ixzz1yFAvysHV


Master Programme in Human Rights and Democratization

Deadline: June 30, 2012
Open to: Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification from a recognized higher education institution, equally fluent in English and Russian
Scholarship: Monthly stipend equal to Euro 250 for living expenses and accommodation, plus up to Euro 600, to cover travel expenses

Read more: http://www.mladiinfo.com/category/scholarships/master/page/2/#ixzz1yFBhAQag

Удължени срокове за кандидатстване във Великобритания – прием 2016
(Дата: 2016-02-02)
(Дата: 2014-04-14)
Помощ от ДАРБИ за кандидатстване в чужбина
(Дата: 2013-10-14)

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